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Earn compensation for your expert insights

Join our panel of leading professionals answering the most pressing questions for top consulting and investment firms

Set your own rate

Or our team can recommend a rate for you based on your experience

How it works


Create your profile

Provide your requested hourly rate, email, and employment history.  Our expert profile builder will create a custom profile for you to qualify you for dozens of client projects within minutes.  You'll have a chance to review and validate the information before it's uploaded to our database.


Answer client questions

Using your expert profile, we'll match you to client engagements.  Respond to client questions via phone consultations, messaging, and surveys at a time that's convenient for you.


Get paid for your insights

After each engagement, you'll be compensated for your time based on the hourly rate you chose.

We've got answers.

What does it mean to be in Synquery's expert panel?​​​​​



In short, experts answer client questions, helping clients accelerate their learning and deepen their understanding of a topic at a rate that cannot be achieved through any other channel.  Ever started a new job and been able to lean on a really smart, knowledgeable colleague for all your questions, significantly accelerating your ramp up?  That's the role experts play for our clients.

Is there a fee to join Synquery's expert panel?​



No, there is no fee to join Synquery's expert panel.

How much will I get paid?​



It's up to you.  Experts select their own hourly rate.  Lower rates will lead to more demand from clients, and you always have the ability to adjust your rate.

What is the time commitment as an expert?



​Zero.  You always have the opportunity to decline engagements based on your schedule or for other reasons.  Some experts are independent consultants, but most fit these engagements around their full-time schedule.

What kinds of questions will I be asked?​



Depending on the focus of the client's research, questions can cover a wide variety of topics.  Common client questions will include understanding the competitive dynamics in an industry, learning about the key purchasing criteria for a product type, and hearing opinions on the impact of a particular trend or new technology on an industry.  You should never share information that would violate any confidentiality agreements you may have.  Both experts and clients are required to sign agreements confirming their understanding of this principle.

Still have questions?

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